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The community is mostly active at our discord server (which is frequently visited by devs). While we don't monitor it too closely it's a good place to get quick help and exchange experiences with other Pio users.

The non-exhaustive list of videos on PioSOLVER:

By others:

  1. Aze Gallo with a deeper look.
  2. WillOnTilt with Deep Analysis
  3. Steve Paul Analyzing Hands with PioSOLVER for RIO (also check other videos by Steve Paul there)
  4. Not any specific video but Tyle Forrester makes use of the solver in his excellent videos for RIO.
  5. PioSOLVER - review and a tutorial by Uczniak (in Polish)
    (updated review here)
  6. Series of videos by David Alford, those get very good response among our users, check David's site as well (http://www.gtorakeback.com/):
    -Optimizing studying with PioSOLVER part1
    ow to NodeLock in PioSOLVER
    Using Aggregated Reports in PioSOLVER
    Reducing the tree size

By us:

  1. Quick Start Quide - start here! 
  2. Feature Overview for 1.6 version - what's new in 1.6 release
  3. Feature Overview for 1.8 version - what's new in 1.8 release
  4. Feature Overview for 1.9 version - what's new in 1.9 release
  5. Node Locking Example - how to use a popular and often requested feature.
  6. Preflop solver quick start guide
  7. FAQ - part1 - another good place to look for answers.
  8. FAQ - part2 - more commonly asked questions answered.